By the way, I have to apologize. I haven’t been using the official optometry seafoam green color in my Optoblog comics.
It has been described at OptViSci. From what I gather, it can be somewhat of a range of color, but I would assume that at least one of the colors on the website are probably the true Optometry Seafoam.
The RGB value I have been using on my first 24 comics has been an easy to remember 150,200,150 (Hex# 96C896). I thought it looked good, but now I’ve found something better: 132,175,148 (Hex# 84AF94).
I think it looks more seafoamy, and now that I’ve written it down, I know where to look if I forget the numbers. Look for comic #25 and onward to have the corrected color.
Optometry Comic Comptetitor

It appears that another optometrist with an actual art degree has been making comics for years and now has a book out. Review of Optometry even did a profile on Dr. Scott Lee, O.D.
I’ll bet he even draws them on paper instead of using a mouse in
Well, I see I shall have to get my game on to compete. But there is one thing Dr. Lee doesn’t have: seafoam green backgrounds. Yup, that was my idea.
I also now have Optoblog poetry, so I’m really diversifying my portfolio which will pay big dividends when I cash in on my book deal.
Be sure to stay tuned to my Optoblog comics. They’re just for optometrists. Patients won’t get them, but you will. Feel free to use them in your C.E. presentations. Send me a cell phone photo when you do!